We are very pleased that our company was invited to participate in the inaugural “Global Neem Awareness Group” convened by Dr Nirrmala Kotharii in Mumbai, India from 25.2.16 to 27.2.16.

The focus of this forum was to gather together as many international “Neem” scientists, doctors, producers and manufacturers in one place to plan how best to promote the use of Neem globally and to have a panel of specialists who would share their incredible experiences and update the participants on the very latest discoveries in Neem research worldwide.  Participants were from India, Canada, Australia, Italy and Portugal.

The Conference was held in the famous Nehru Centre in Mumbai and all manufacturers were invited to have a stall in the exhibition centre.

We had a very good position for our stall in the exhibition centre- we took along our newly packaged Personal Care range of Botanical Neem and are delighted to say that the response to our products was exceptional – needless to say that we didn’t bring any back with us.
Also, we were the lunch sponsor for the conference – great Indian Cuisine and it was a great hit with everyone.

On the third day we had a B&B (Business to Business) day where we could all meet and discuss our businesses, future plans developing Neem and fostering good relationships.  Many Indian companies were represented as well and we all had a great day.

Towards the end of the conference Dr Kotharii initiated a move to  invite the participants to join in an international panel which would be dedicated to promoting the use of Neem worldwide titled Global Neem Action Group (GNAG). We are delighted to confirm that Brian Williams, CEO of our company, was invited to join this panel and he has accepted the invitation.

It was proposed that the panel will meet and communicate on a regular basis. 

The conference re-affirmed our dedication to Neem – it truly deserves its description by the United Nations as


Brian & Carol Williams

Neeming Australia Pty Ltd

P.S. There were some brilliant presentations – some of which we have added for your benefit (Dr Morgado & Terramera).