
eco-balance Supreme Plant Spray Concentrate 20 Litres (Free Postage in Australia)

$450.00 inc GST

Commercial growers and Farmers

Designed for the Commercial Growers and Farmers alike this amazing product give you all the advantages of Neem together with Fulvic & Humic Acid in one easy application.
It helps to promote healthier looking crops/plants and acts as a soil ameliorant – helping to improve soil quality.
It contains Neem Oil, natural emulsifier, humic and fulvic acid (liquid form).

Directions:  Shake container and for large areas use between 2-3 litres of concentrate per hectare
Or 10 mls to 1 litre water.

Spray liberally to reach all parts of the plants/shrubs/trees.
Do not spray in direct sunlight – best late afternoon.
Following initial spray repeat in 7 days and then only as required.
No masks required – no waiting period.
If solidified, as can happen in winter or cool climates, just place in warm sun or place in hot water to liquefy.

Can be used in conjunction with other fertilisers.

All natural, biodegradable and ecofriendly.
See humate description below:-



Humates are  now being recognised as one of the most valuable inputs for farming and gardening ever discovered.
They consist of humic and fulvic Acid and raw humates being derived from very ancient plant matter which contains nitrogen, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, manganese, selenium, carbon, sulphur, phosphate, potash and, of course, fulvic and humic acid.

Eco-balance’s humates are obtained from a super active source and we have developed these unique products as the only ones of this particular make-up in the world to-day.

Neeming Australia Pty Ltd has become a leader in humate development having produced a product range under the banner of eco-balance Australia.