Just thought I’d mention that your sensitive skin soap is so great (I’ve had eczemaforever), I stumbled across it up at Montville back home. So I couldn’t help but order some to keep using it – even though I’ve moved here
to travel for a while!
Thanks again,
J Meier
West London Cancer Network
Although I used vegetable based soaps /etc before, they all still dried my skin out, whereas the sensi-skin soap was the first one i found that did not leave my skin dehydrated.
J Meier
I am a Therapist and Beauty Therapist from Melbourne that met you last June.
First I want to tell you that in such a very short time since using Neem it appears that the liver spots on the backs of my hands are fading.
Also getting heaps of compliments on how well I look and that my skin looks great. And that I look younger.
The pink skin from the psoriasis spot has also faded
BEST of all, my very painful big toe joint is much less painful and is regaining joint movement after 2 years of rigidity.
All for now, many, many thanks to you.
L Wise,
Melbourne. Australia
Some time ago a nasty looking wart was growing on my forehead and seed to get bigger daily (approx 1cm wide and nearly the same depth) I was asked to try Neem oil so I mixed 1 teaspoon vaseline with 4 drops Neem. Used it several times daily. Much to my delight, it fell out. So after that experience I keep a bottle of your Neem handy. Keep up the good work
J. Thompson
Carrara. Australia
I have been using the Neem Shampoo and leaf extract on my daughter’s hair and scalp. She has a skin complaint known as psoriasis, I have tried several products including prescriptions from a doctor to no avail. Although your products have not cured the complaint I have seen a dramatic improvement in the affected areas and am hopeful that with continued long term use it will eventually clear up. I have also been using the eye gel and lip gloss myself and have found both products to be great.
W. Taylor
Sydney. NSW
I have been given some Neem Tree Extract for my Dermatitis and in 2 days it has done wonders for my skin which was very red and itchy. Your product has done more for me in those two days than weeks of the creams and tablets prescribed by the doctor.
Thanking you
Mt. Isa. Qld.
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: Re order 908
Neem Rich Facial Lotion
Your products are fantastic. All was received very quickly. I have so much trouble with rosacea and find your facial products to be the best for me.
Thanks again
NSW. Australia
We have some of your shampoo and conditioner at the moment and I just wanted to say that it is the BEST that we’ve ever used. We’ve always been Pantene users but your product is fantastic.
Michelle Marshall
Dear Sir,
I write to you to thank you for producing a natural product that curesringworm.
I contracted ringworm when on holidays and I tried many other products but nothing got rid of it. The ringworm was getting larger and it was very itchy. I have young children and I didn’t want them to catch it as I know it is very contagious.
Anyway, I tried your Neem Seed Oil and I was amazed that the itching stopped immediately when I applied the Neem oil, and the ringworm was totally cleared up after only 3 days.
Once again, many, many thanks I was great relieved and I will certainly tell all my friends about your wonderful product.
Yours faithfully,
C Bradley
Southport. Qld
I have been fighting headlice at school for years now (and spending a fortune on products that just don’t work) and had just about given up when I decided to buy a bottle of your neem seed oil and give that a go. I am pleased to say that I have had incredible results from it. I mixed it with some conditioner and put it on my children’s dry hair and left it on for a full day, then combed it out with a fine tooth comb. I will continue to do this every weekend. I also have been adding the oil to the water spay bottle that I use to do their hair with. Thank you very much. Our school is having their fete in August and I have suggested a head lice information stall. I will be running it. I was wondering if you would be interested in sending some literature of your Neem seed oil, shampoo and headlice. The school used my recipe in their newsletter yesterday.
Hope to hear back from you.
K Lupton
Toowoomba. Qld