
During my company’s 22 years in the Neem business we have many wonderful stories of what Neem has been able to do in skin treatments for both humans and animals and, God willing, we will continue to manufacture our products to an ever increasing market both in Australia and other countries.

With the world community and the majority of individuals wanting more natural products in their lives a concerted move towards Neem is well overdue.

As you are well aware, there are many highly toxic products being made and sold, especially in Agriculture, which have incredibly long life cycles – some up to 250,000 years – and could be described as helping to turn our planet into a toxic cocktail.

Whereas Neem, which is 100% biodegradable, presents a very strong alternative for insect control and all that is required is for the people of the world to demand that Neem be used to control insects in farming/gardening and when this comes to pass we will truly be able to say that

“NEEM – The Eco-friendly Solution for Sustainable Development”

has become a reality.

Brian Williams
CEO & Director