
eco-balance Supreme Plant Spray Concentrate 5 Litres (Free Shipping in Australia)

$145.00 inc GST

This size product is designed for the larger garden. It helps to promote healthier looking plants/shrubs/roses etc and acts as a soil ameliorant (helps to improve soil quality).

It contains Neem Oil, natural emulsifier (so that it will mix with water) and Humates (liquid formula).

It’s easy to use – simply shake container and mix 10ml to 1 litre of water and then spray liberally to reach all parts of the plants/shrubs/trees/flowers.
Following initial spray repeat in 7 days and then only as required.
No masks required and no waiting period

For farmers  – use between 2-3 litres of concentrate per hectare.
Can be used in conjunction with other fertilisers.

Do not spray in full sunlight – best late afternoon after 4pm.

All Natural – Biodegradable – Ecofriendly – to help sustain a natural, healthy environment.
No chemicals – is just as nature intended.
No animal testing or ingredients.

So if you want healthier, stronger plants and mineral enriched veggies then this product is a must.




Humates are  now being recognised as one of the most valuable inputs for farming and gardening ever discovered.
They consist of humic and fulvic Acid and raw humates being derived from very ancient plant matter which contains nitrogen, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, manganese, selenium, carbon, sulphur, phosphate, potash and, of course, fulvic and humic acid.

Eco-balance’s humates are obtained from a super active source and we have developed these unique products as the only ones of this particular make-up in the world to-day.

Neeming Australia Pty Ltd has become a leader in humate development having produced a product range which includes 9 humate options under the banner of eco-balance Australia.